Frequently Asked Questions

Learn about myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia, macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataract, and diabetes & blindness.


Some Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I have an eye exam?

The American Optometric Association recommends a complete eye exam every 1 to 2 years depending on your age, medical condition and risk factors for eye disease. Because everyone is different, you should ask Dr. Blaize how often you should be seen.

Children should have their first eye exam at age 5, or earlier if the parents have a concern. After the initial visit they should be seen yearly. This is important because during the early years a child’s vision is most likely to change.

Why do my eyes have to be dialted?

It is highly recommended to have your pupils dilated as part of your comprehensive eye examination. Dilation allows for the evaluation and detection of diseases such as glaucoma, diabetes, cataracts, and macular degeneration. After your dilation, you will be sensitive to light and experience blurry vision, especially when reading. These effects will start to improve after about 2 hours. Our office provides sunglasses to reduce the discomfort. If it is inconvenient to get your eyes dilated on the day of your examination, we will be happy to schedule it for another time.

What is the difference between an optometrist, optician, and an ophthalmologist?

Optometrists are primary eyecare providers that specialize in eye related disease, corrective lenses and contacts. Optometrists perform comprehensive examinations of the entire visual system including internal and external structures of the eye, neurological, muscular and other eye related systems. They diagnose and treat conditions such as glaucoma, allergies and infections by the use of pharmaceuticals, minor surgery and other proven treatments. A large portion of an optometrist’s work is related to improving their patients’ vision with glasses and contacts lenses.

Ophthalmologists specialize in eye related disease and surgery. Some ophthalmologists are sub-specialists in areas such as cataracts, retinal diseases, plastic surgery and pediatrics. Ophthalmologists are not trained to the extent of optometrists in prescribing corrective lenses and contacts.

Opticians are an important part of the eye care team. Opticians specialize in the fitting and dispensing of eye glasses. Opticians help determine which eyeglasses are best suited to each patient’s lifestyle and visual needs. They take eye measurements to insure proper lens placement in the eyeglasses and verify the accuracy of the finished product. Opticians also instruct patients in the care and handling of contact lenses. Opticians are not doctors, but their knowledge and expertise are crucial to overall patient care.

Why do my eyes itch?

Generally, itchy eyes are due to allergies. which can be seasonal or specific to certain agents. Although there are several over the counter eye drops you can purchase, many can actually worsen the condition; and the worst thing you can possibly do is rub your eyes. You can get relief! If you suffer from itchy eyes, call 248-482-2020 to schedule a professional optometric evaluation by Dr. Blaize. Consultations are covered by most vision insurances.

Ophthalmologists specialize in eye related disease and surgery. Some ophthalmologists are sub-specialists in areas such as cataracts, retinal diseases, plastic surgery and pediatrics. Ophthalmologists are not trained to the extent of optometrists in prescribing corrective lenses and contacts.

Opticians are an important part of the eye care team. Opticians specialize in the fitting and dispensing of eye glasses. Opticians help determine which eyeglasses are best suited to each patient’s lifestyle and visual needs. They take eye measurements to insure proper lens placement in the eyeglasses and verify the accuracy of the finished product. Opticians also instruct patients in the care and handling of contact lenses. Opticians are not doctors, but their knowledge and expertise are crucial to overall patient care.

Can diabetes cause blindness?

Yes. Diabetes is the number one cause of blindness in the United States. Diabetes causes the blood vessels in the back of the eye to become fragile. Sometimes the vessels leak fluid and can affect central vision. In many cases this fluid will be reabsorbed. In later stages of diabetic eye disease new blood vessels are formed. They can bleed and destroy large areas of vision and potentially cause blindness. Diabetics have a higher risk of other eye problems such as glaucoma and cataracts.

What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is the second largest cause of blindness in the United States. It occurs gradually, so early stages are impossible to detect without an eye exam. In most cases, damage to the optic nerve is due to increased eye pressure, but checking pressure alone is not enough. In our office we have specialized equipment to determine whether you have even the very earliest stages glaucoma. Currently there is no cure for glaucoma, but vision loss can be prevented with early detection. Treatment consists of eye drops, laser, and occasionally surgery

What is macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration is the third largest cause of blindness in the United States. It is a medical condition that generally affects older adults. The macula is the center area of the retina. It is supplied with blood from the choroid. When the macula deteriorates it is unable to make the images which are sent to the brain. This results in loss of central vision, thus making it difficult or impossible to read and sometimes, even recognize faces.

There are two types of macular degeneration, “dry” and “wet”. Dry macular degeneration is when yellow spots called drusen bubble up out of the choroid and deposit on the retina resulting in a gradual blurring of central vision. Sometimes dry macular degeneration advances to a stage known as geographic atrophy. Geographic atrophy is the culmination of prolonged, progressive changes in the retina and is the main cause of vision loss in dry macular degeneration patients.

Unfortunately, dry macular degeneration can progress to wet macular degeneration. In the wet form, newly created abnormal blood vessels grow under the center of the retina. These blood vessels leak, bleed, and scar the retina. This distorts or destroys central vision. Wet macular degeneration usually starts in one eye and may affect the other eye later.

What is a cataract?

A cataract is a clouding that develops in the lens of the eye obstructing the passage of light. Cataracts typically progress slowly to cause vision loss, and can potentially lead to blindness if left untreated. The condition always affects both the eyes, sometimes one more than the other. Luckily, advances in medicine allow us to remove the cloudy lenses and replace them with clear artificial lenses.

What is nearsightedness or myopia?

Nearsightedness, or myopia, is a vision condition in which you can see objects up close clearly, but not as well at distance. Nearsightedness can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.

What is farsightedness or hyperopia?

Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is a condition which causes muscles in the eyes to become fatigued. People that are far sighted can see objects far away much easier and clearer than those up close. Farsightedness can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.

What is astigmatism?

Astigmatism causes vision to be blurry at distance as well as at near. It is caused by the cornea having an oval rather than round shape. This impairs focusing ability and causes blurred vision. Astigmatism is a common condition and can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.

What is presbyopia?

Inside the eye there are a set of muscles connected to a lens. In order to focus your eyes, you contract the muscles to change the shape of the lens. When you’re young the lens is soft and flexible, so focusing is easy. As you age the lens gets hard and rubbery. This results in presbyopia, or the inability to focus. Presbyopia can be corrected with bifocals, progressive lenses, or reading glasses.


What People Are Saying

Based on 344 reviews
George Harris
George Harris
I’ve worn glasses or contacts for the past 35 years. Dr. Blaize is BY FAR the best eye doctor I have visited. Since I became a patient, my eye strain related headaches have gone away. The staff at Bayview Optical does an amazing job and I gladly recommend them to my family and friends.
Nicholas Hitchcock
Nicholas Hitchcock
All staff were very friendly and very helpful. Showed up a bit early for my appointment and was seen right after the current patient completed.
Dalia K
Dalia K
The doctor and staff are lovely. I highly recommend Bayview.
Great experience and excellent customer service…recommend to anyone!
Brooke C
Brooke C
I have been going to Bayview for years and highly recommend them to anyone. The entire staff is SUPER friendly and caring. I always enjoy picking out frames and styles with Laurie - she’s very knowledgeable and helpful. Thank you Bayview for the great services that you provide! :)
Daniel Lopez
Daniel Lopez
Dr Blaize and staff are always very friendly, helpful and prompt. Would highly recommend using Bayview for your eye care needs
I came here for the first last year and was not the biggest fan. Laurie was great and super friendly. However, two times during my exam, Dr. Blaize ignored me and went straight to my mother to explains things to her instead. My mother was only there to drive me home because I knew I would get my eyes dilated. I don't understand why he did that despite me filling out paperwork that included my name and birthday, showing that I was the patient and that I am an adult. The second time Laurie asked him to come out and explain things to me but she had to nudge him on the arm because he was talking to my mother AGAIN instead of to me. I found that to be quite disrespectful.
Sara Denomie
Sara Denomie
First time patient and first time eye exam! Very caring staff that is concerned about your needs. Would definitely recommend to friends and family!
Sarah Stislicki
Sarah Stislicki
Dr. Blaize and all of his staff are fantastic. They are very professional and welcoming. I am so happy that I found this practice.

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